How to Wean Off Alcohol & Safely Taper Drinking

Working with a physician on the Monument platform can help determine what timeline will work for you based on your past drinking habits and risk of withdrawal. Whatever schedule is chosen, it’s important to commit so you can build upon your progress and avoid withdrawal symptoms as much as possible. Whether you’re a daily imbiber, heavy drinker, or frequent Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House binge drinker, you’re likely to experience withdrawal symptoms when you quit. Unfortunately, there’s little to no evidence that tapering off reduces the effects of alcohol withdrawal, some of which can be severe or even life-threatening. Quitting with proper medical supervision may be more important than whether you stop gradually or all at once.

how to taper off alcohol safely

Can Tapering Down Alcohol Use Reduce Withdrawal Symptoms?

If your BASELINE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION is less than 20 drinks per day then we recommend reducing consumption by two standard drinks per day. Likewise if your average consumption is 6 standard drinks per day you can set a taper schedule of 4, 2, 0. Your doctor can determine if tapering alcohol is safe for your unique situation and help you create a plan to quit drinking alcohol. In outpatient settings, monitoring techniques and follow-up care are essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the tapering process.

  • Exercise can be a beneficial component of a comprehensive strategy to reduce alcohol consumption, but it should not be the sole method.
  • However, you may experience withdrawal symptoms or relapse if you’re not tapering correctly and safely.
  • It can be helpful to make a plan ahead of time for how to handle a relapse.
  • But drinking less is always a good choice for your body and health.

Why Do You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?

Generally, light to moderate drinkers should plan to taper for a week or more. Most pills bought as diazepam (Valium), temazepam or alprazolam (Xanax) actually contain other substances. Our substance information and advice library gives you the facts and information you need to know. Relapses happen during rehabilitation, but what’s important is how you move forward from it.

Reach out and get support

Because alcohol withdrawal symptoms can sometimes be unpredictable and may escalate quickly, having an on-site medical team that can quickly intervene is the safest way to quit heavy drinking. When you quit drinking, you should also seek medical advice about any alcohol withdrawal symptoms you experience. This includes early symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, such as mild tremors and anxiety. The reason for this is that alcohol withdrawal symptoms can quickly snowball and worsen. Mild anxiety, for example, can turn into overwhelming agitation or even hallucinations.

Rehab Resources

Quitting any addictive substance can be extremely difficult, but quitting alcohol is often especially so. Many people fail to successfully quit drinking at least once before managing to attain sobriety. People tapering off alcohol may begin experiencing early withdrawal symptoms within 6 to 12 hours after their last drink.

how to taper off alcohol safely

Prepare for potential alcohol detox

  • How to manage drug and alcohol cravings, including how to plan for them and distract yourself while they are happening so that you don’t go back to old habits.
  • If you encounter severe symptoms during your tapering off alcohol schedule, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
  • Getting curious about a life without alcohol is already an incredible step, and a healthier lifestyle is within reach.
  • Talk to a medical professional if you have any concerns about tapering off alcohol.
  • On the second day drink one beer every hour and a half for a total of ten beers.
  • If you’re struggling to wean off alcohol, it might be best to seek addiction treatment.

Can I Just Quit Alcohol Cold Turkey?

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